Friday, November 6, 2015

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is the top Xbox one games, it is an action packed fun game for the whole family to enjoy, now you can play your favorite Marvel character- from Iron Man to the Avengers, through to X-Men, Fantastic Four, Thor and even Stan Lee himself.

 Now you battle Dr Doom, Loki and Galactus in a story that has you fighting in a submarine, the X-Mansion and inside the Stature of Liberty. Plus you can punch civilians to pieces on the street, which feels remarkably bad govern that they're not only Lego, but imaginary Lego.

Playing solo means you have to constantly switch between characters to solve puzzles and progress past certain sections of the levels, which can get extremely irritating when there’s very little action in between the various puzzle sections.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is quite possibly the best game in the Lego series so far. It is a lot of fun for the kids although a little repetitive in places.

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